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Open Mon–Fri: 9am–5:30pm / Sat: 9am–3pm

Water Projects

"The Prophet (Peace be upon him) was once asked “Which is the best form of charity?” He (Peace be upon him) replied “Providing drinking water”.

(Ibn Majah)

Over the past year, we've made significant strides in fulfilling this prophetic directive, installing 208 water pumps and boreholes in India (West Bengal) and nearly 1,400 in Bangladesh.

Did you know that a staggering 748 million people worldwide lack access to safe drinking water? That's approximately one in ten individuals globally.

Our efforts in Bangladesh and India are crucial, especially in regions prone to flooding. Ensuring the depth of these boreholes and pumps is adequate is paramount; shallow installations risk compromising water quality, rendering it unsuitable for consumption. Thus, our installations vary in depth and consequently in cost, aiming to address this critical need effectively.


Water Projects


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Please make your payment directly into our bank account (below). The payment will be marked as paid once the amount is deposited. You will receive an email with your Order ID. Please use this Order ID as your payment reference when making the payment. Bank Name: Al Rayan Bank Account Name: Caravan Of Mercy Sort code: 30-00-83 Account Number: 01151850

Please make your payment directly into our bank account (below). The payment will be marked as paid once the amount is deposited. You will receive an email with your Order ID. Please use this Order ID as your payment reference when making the payment. Bank Name: Al Rayan Bank Account Name: Caravan Of Mercy Sort code: 30-00-83 Account Number: 01151850

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